We are home to the Kingston Volunteer Department located in Kingston, Rhode Island.

The Kingston Volunteer Fire Department is an all-volunteer, full-service fire department providing world-class fire protection, code enforcement, and emergency medical response services. These services are provided through a highly-trained, dedicated and adaptable force of volunteers known as the Kingston Volunteer Fire Company. The Kingston Volunteer Fire Department operates out of the Kingston Fire District (KFD). What it means to be a Fire District? [Learn more…]
The village of Kingston (approximately 1.6sq miles) is located in the northern portion of the Town of South Kingstown and is the site of the University of Rhode Island’s main campus. Many of the village center’s buildings are listed on the National Register of Historical Places. We have protected the college campus, Kingston residents and visitors of the Town of South Kingstown since July 1923.
Unlike many volunteer fire departments, KFD is home to twelve resident firefighters, whom after extensive training make the firehouse their home. These young professionals enjoy living rent-free in return for maintaining “on-call” volunteer coverage, seven days a week.
We are one of two fire districts serving the Town of South Kingstown. In coordination with the Union Fire District; we provide fire protection services for a full-time resident population of over 30,000 and transient student population of over 13,000.
We encourage you to thoroughly review the public information that we provide as we are very proud of our organization, its transparency and professionalism. We have attempted to present the information necessary so that you could share our pride in this department, its wardens, fire officers and firefighters.
Welcome to KFD! We hope that you enjoy our website.
Man vs Machine
Assistant Chief Erik Brierley, May 01
May 1 @ 1748hrs L2 R6 C4 responded to Liberty Lane for a man vs machine incident. The patient’s hand was stuck inside a garage door motor. Crews secured power, the door and motor itself before the patient’s hand was freed. 9 KFD members worked with UFD’s SH1, SH9 and C6. The patient was transported by SKEMS with minor injuries.... (Full Story & Photos)
MVA Rt108
Assistant Chief Erik Brierley, February 06
Feb 6 @ 1544hrs R6 E7 C8 responded to Rt. 108 at Rolens Dr for a 4 car MVA with injuries and entrapment. R6 arrived first due and worked with UFD SH1 to stabilize the involved vehicles. Extrication was complete within 4 minutes of arrival, and 8 minutes of dispatch. ... (Full Story & Photos)
Rollover with Entrapment Rt1
Assistant Chief Erik Brierley, January 16
Jan. 16 @ 0807hrs R6 responded with 4 to Rt. 1 North Bound for a MVA w/ entrapment. R6 and SH1 stabilized the vehicle and performed a roof flap. 1 occupant was transported to the hospital with minor injuries... (Full Story)
Chimney Fire 12/31/2023
Assistant Chief Erik Brierley, December 31
C8 E7 E8 and L2 responded to a chimney fire with Union fire district in the West Kingston section of town. It took companies around an hour to clear the chimney and confirm there was no extension into the rest of the structure... (Full Story & Photos)
MVA Rt 138
Assistant Chief Erik Brierley, October 06
October 5th @ 1359 R6 & C8 responded to the 400 Block of Mooresfield Rd for a MVA with entrapment. Crews worked with peacedale fire department and west kingston fire to remove one patient... (Full Story & Photos)
Harborside Inn Fire
Assistant Chief Erik Brierley, September 12
2357hrs Friday Aug 18, L2 C4 C8 responded to a working fire in an occupied hotel on Block Island. KFD crews operated inside before transitioning to defensive operations. L2 operated on Block Island for roughly 36 hours, flowing over 200,000 gallons of water and opening up. There was heavy fire on multiple floors and the attic. This fire reached 6 alarms and was contained to the original fire building. ... (Full Story & Photos)
Fieldstone Farms Subdivision
Assistant Chief Erik Brierley, September 12
This is a new subdivision being proposed for community members to review. The applicant is proposing to subdivide the existing lot into thirty-nine (39) parcels with ten (10) deed-restricted affordable lots. This application will be reviewed by the Planning Board during the public hearing on Tuesday, September 26, 2023.... (Full Story)
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